Product: Price list / online catalogue
  • In a matter of seconds you can create different media to publish your products, such as price lists, catalogues with up to date informaton using a central data source. In any language!
    No more irregular information or translations.

  • Create high quality, individual print documents automatically, with the press of a button. Using PDF format guarantess precise layout.

  • Access authority mangage workflow and content of the catalogue.

  • Automatically created index.
We'll gladly provide you with prices for these solutions on request.

Security News
Japanische Polizei testet Bezahlkarte, um Scam zu verhindern
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Globales Super-Wahljahr: Google befürchtet Manipulationen und Desinformation
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Sicherheitsupdates: Angreifer können GitLab-Accounts übernehmen
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